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Safety & Hygiene
We take health and safety very seriously at Ian's Mobile Farm, we have filled this page with as much relevant information as possible please feal free to download our risk assesment below.
We make our best efforts to ensure all our animals are in the best of health however with all farm animals and reptiles there is always a chance that they can potentially carry bacteria so it is essential that the points below are followed.
1) Children should be explained to prior to our visit about not putting their fingers into their mouths or hands on their face. Teachers and helpers shoud constantly monitor the children.
2) Please insure that no food ,sweets or drinks are consumed near the animals
3) We provide a defra approved hand foam for everyone to use after the visit ,however it is now known that washing hands well with warm water and soap is more effective which must be done immediately after the visit
4) children should be watched to make sure they do not climb on the fencing or lick the fencing bars
5) The animals should not be fed unless we give permission to do so.
6) Pregnant womwn should avoid contact with expectant sheep and lambs